
The Future of QLife

Stay tuned for exciting news coming soon...

Who We Are

QualityLife Intergovernmental Agency (QLife) is a collaborative effort of public entities in The Dalles, Oregon, that began in 2002, who created a 17-mile fiber optic loop through the city. The goal is to enhance the region's economic development efforts with a reliable, cost effective, open access link to the Bonneville Power Administration's fiber, which runs through The Dalles.

Our vision is for every address in Wasco County can enjoy a higher quality of life and participate in education, healthcare, and the economy  through a high speed internet connection at a price point that they can afford.

Our mission is to facilitate access to scalable telecommunication infrastructure to enable affordable broadband level Internet across Wasco County much like a public utility.

Our values: action-oriented, nimble, partnerships, proactive/sustainable, responsible, affordable, redundant and resilient.

Original Business Plan - 2002
History as reported in The Dalles Chronicle 2002-2005  
Broadband Case Study - 2005
Broadband Report - 2011 League of Oregon Cities
Wasco County Broadband Strategic Plan - 2013
Broadband Report - 2014 Oregon Broadband Advisory Council
QLife Strategic Plan - 2021-2022

Contact List

Q-Life Board Meetings are held
The fourth Thursday of each month (unless otherwise noted on the "Agenda & Minutes" page)
at 12:00 PM in the Columbia Room
Wasco County Administration Building, 401 East 3rd St. The Dalles, OR 97058
Virtual Option Available